Buy disposable gloves cheaply (2025)

Disposable gloves from Franz Mensch

Disposable gloves, or also called single-use gloves, are gloves that are intended for single use only. They are usually made of plastics and have a close-fitting design. The most common disposable gloves are nitrile gloves and latex gloves. Other materials from which disposable gloves are made are:

  • Vinyl
  • Neoprene
  • Polyethylene (PE, LDPE, HDPE)

Each material has its specific strengths and is therefore suitable for different areas of application. Franz Mensch is one of the leading experts in Europe when it comes to disposable gloves. The extensive range offers disposable gloves for every need - all colours, all sizes from XS to XXL - e.g. nitrile gloves Safe Light in 11 colours and 6 sizes.

Why and when do you put on disposable gloves?

Disposable gloves are hygienic and protective. They protect the glove wearer from infections or wetness, for example. They protect sensitive products such as food from contamination. In the medical field, they protect other people from germ transmission*. There are many areas of application for disposable gloves and work areas that require special disposable gloves. Because hygiene and safety start with the hands. Hands are the main carrier of bacteria and germs. Therefore, hand protection is one of the most important hygiene measures.

Powdered vs. powder-free disposable gloves: advantages and disadvantages

Powdered disposable gloves have the advantage that they are easier to put on with sweaty or wet hands. They are also slightly cheaper, as the powder does not have to be washed out in an additional production step. Nevertheless, the recommendation clearly goes to powder-free disposable gloves. For one thing, the powder can cause allergies or skin irritations. On the other hand, the powder can contaminate sensitive products such as food. With powder-free disposable gloves, you are on the safe side - especially if you have to wear gloves frequently and for a long time.

Certified quality: Buy disposable gloves from the market leader

The range of disposable gloves at Franz Mensch includes examination gloves made of latex, powdered and powder-free, examination gloves made of nitrile and vinyl as well as disposable gloves made of polyethylene film as a cost-effective variant for short-term use. All disposable gloves from Franz Mensch bear the CE mark and comply with European standards and legislation. The gloves comply with, among others:

  • CE Cat. I: Protection against minimal risks
  • CE Cat. II: Protection against medium risks
  • CE Cat. III: Protection against high risks, such as when handling disinfectants and cleaning agents, or chemicals (EN 374).
  • In medicine, special protection of the user and thus also of the patient is imperative. Many of our disposable gloves comply with the Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745 as well as EN 455 for medical examination gloves (AQL 1.5) and are optimally suited for use in hospitals, doctors' surgeries and retirement and nursing homes.

For better value, disposable gloves can be worn on both the right and left hand. A rolled edge on the glove catches any drops that fall off when the hands are raised.

It's getting colourful: Coloured disposable gloves against cross-contamination

Use colours specifically to visually separate different hygiene areas and avoid cross-contamination. At Franz Mensch you will find disposable gloves in many colours, e.g. blue = production, red = kitchen, green = visitors. The colours clearly separate the work areas and thus prevent cross-contamination. Our black disposable gloves are also very popular in hygiene areas.

Which disposable gloves for food?

From a hygiene perspective, the food industry is one of the most challenging sectors. When it comes to food, strict hygiene measures are required (VO (EU) 1935/2004, VO 10/2011, BfR recommendations). Blue disposable gloves are available especially for the food industry. The reason: the blue colour stands out particularly well against all foodstuffs, as there are hardly any blue foodstuffs. Therefore, blue gloves are easily recognised if they do end up in production.

How to remove disposable gloves correctly

To remove disposable gloves hygienically, grasp the glove at the bottom of the shaft and pull them upwards. The glove is turned inside out, i.e. the contaminated outside is turned inside out and is not touched with the hands.

Tip: Browse the Franz Mensch online shop for suitable dispensers so that your gloves are always space-saving, clean, tidy and ready to hand.

*Please refer to the respective product information for the exact area of application as well as the claim of the gloves.

Buy disposable gloves cheaply (2025)


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